
Does your question relate to the course content?
If so, please speak to your point of contact at SOFAA.

If your query is to do with a technical issue with the website OR extending your course access please continue below.

eg. Desktop Computer (PC / Mac) / Tablet / Phone
eg. Windows (10 / 8 / 7 / XP) / Mac OS X (please state version) / iOS (Apple Phones / Tablets) / Android / Windows Mobile OS (CE)
eg. Google Chrome / Firefox / Opera / Safari / Edge / Internet Explorer (please state version)
Give details of the unit or quiz in question (do you need it resetting?) or any error message that may be appearing.
If you need remote support, please download Teamviewer by clicking the button. Install on your machine and ensure that you choose the free option when installing. Once the program is running please respond to the website admin with your ID and Password. This gives temporary access to your PC/Mac. As soon as the session ends your machine is secure once more.